What to Do With 75 Years of History?
As you enjoy success in your business and accumulate years of service to your customers, you'll build a collection of historical material. Making use of this valuable material can be a challenge. And for a family business, the challenge is greater as family and work life and history become intermingled.
From the Archives
Allan Edwards, Inc. Corporate Archive
Businesses, like families, accumulate a lot of stuff over the years. And when a business reaches its 75th anniversary, the accumulation of historical material can become a significant problem. For a family business, the challenge of managing history can be further complicated. More often than not, family and work life become so intermingled that there’s not a clear line between family history and business history.
This was the case when Müllerhaus Legacy’s archives team worked with the fourth-generation leadership of Allan Edwards, Inc.
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Preserving Four Generations of Corporate History
Without evidence, history is just so many words. Therefore, no historical record is complete without a well-managed archive.
AE had an extensive collection of vintage material that included documents, advertising material, patents, blueprints, and media clippings alongside pictures and stories about both the family and business.
Graphics Courtesy Allan Edwards, Inc.
Graphics Courtesy Allan Edwards, Inc.
After picking up the material, the Müllerhaus archive team sorted and cataloged the entire collection. Next, the team digitized the assets to make them accessible, sharable, and useful. Finally, but most importantly, they repackaged the originals to museum standards so the AE family and business history would be around for the next four generations.

This article first appeared in Müllerhaus's publication Legacy Journey Quarterly. For information regarding any of the projects mentioned in this publication or to inquire about Müllerhaus Legacy or our services, please contact Ally Seifried at 918-747-0018 or Alexandra@Mullerhaus.net