The Kennedy Building: An Everlasting Monument
From the Archives: Müllerhaus Legacy often works with accomplished families who steward historically-significant buildings. BAM Properties, the business of the Bumgarner Family in Tulsa, OK is one such story.
"Make for me a building that will stand for all time to come. Spare no money and don’t leave anything undone that is necessary to produce in the city of Tulsa an everlasting monument. One that will endure throughout all the years and a century from now will still be of complete service to my friends and neighbors and their children.”
— Dr. S.G. Kennedy, 1919

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Like the people responsible for their construction, historically significant properties also have legacies. Fortunately for Tulsa’s Kennedy Building, the Beaux-Arts masterpiece is owned by BAM Properties, a proprietor that understands the value history adds to the community and its bottom line.
To celebrate the building’s centennial, BAM worked with Müllerhaus Legacy to tell the story of Dr. Kennedy and his building. The project was an opportunity to collect and digitize its historical assets.
Detail Main Entrance, A.W. Black & Son Architects, Drawn January 5th, 1918.
This article first appeared in Müllerhaus's publication Legacy Journey Quarterly. For information regarding any of the projects mentioned in this publication or to inquire about Müllerhaus Legacy or our services, please contact Ally Seifried at 918-747-0018 or Alexandra@Mullerhaus.net