Gas Industry Revolutionary: Remembering Thomas H. Russell (1943–2022)
Thomas H. “Tom” Russell revolutionized gas processing through the success of his companies. He and his wife Pam were also generous philanthropists. In 2019, Müllerhaus Legacy helped the family preserve Mr. Russell’s remarkable story.
After founding the T.H. Russell Company in 1972, Tom Russell sold his successful business to Hanover Co. for $14 million in 2000. Then, at age 70, he founded the Thomas Russell Company, 70% of which he sold to a division of Honeywell in 2019 for $525 million.
Just as Russell was committed to the success of his companies, he and his wife Pam were also generous philanthropists. He received the Hanlon Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Gas Processors Association, and the University of Tulsa named the Russell School of Chemical Engineering after him.
In 2019, Müllerhaus Legacy helped the family preserve Mr. Russell’s remarkable story.
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By 1971, Tom Russell had accumulated fifteen years of experience and several valuable contracts in gas processing, equipment manufacturing and installation, and plant construction.
As a consultant with an overview of all the phases of a gas processing plant, Tom developed a vision for combining the entire operation into a modular skid-based solution. With nothing like it on the market, he believed he had an opportunity to revolutionize the industry.
Image Credit: T.H. Russell Company
Despite the promise of his vision, every bank Tom approached turned him down.
With five kids, a pregnant wife, and nothing that provided nearly enough collateral to fund his start-up, his options were limited. That’s when Tom remembered his boys had been mowing the lawn for a quiet neighbor down the road who he’d heard had interests in the oil and banking industries.
Tom’s neighbor was named, George Kaiser.
“I’m a little fish in a big pond.”
When Mr. Kaiser opened his door to the virtual stranger standing on his front porch, Tom simply said, “I’m a little fish in a big pond.” Fortunately, Kaiser appreciated the confidence and bravery it took to show up at his door and share his vision.
So he gave Tom the loan he needed to launch the T.H. Russell Co. and revolutionize the entire gas processing industry.